Saturday, 21 January 2012

Mudbox part 1

With the UVing out of the way, I have begun to sculpt Raes in Mudbox. I am particularly taking my time on this part mainly because I still need anatomical knowledge, and I need to get used to using Mudbox. Admittedly it is alot more fun than modelling :) In about 2 hours or so I have sculpted little, trying mainly to provide mass and depth to the torso, ignoring finer detail for a later date. Creating the abs and shape of the lower torso was my first priority, as well as the breasts, I did not want the breasts to appear silicone neither flat, therefore Using my Anatomy for the Artist book, I feel I have created a right size and shape to begin with. As for the abs, after some research I have realized that abdominals on women are not as structured on women. They seem to take a rounder form which I have attempted  to mimic on my character.

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