Thursday, 8 March 2012

Raes Base texture

In order for my textures painted in Mudbox and for my normal map to be applied correctly to Raes I had to recreate the base mesh. Using Topogun, I inserted the original mesh I had made when I first started Raes, imported the high resolution model underneath and moved the vertices accordingly to match the new shape that Raes has taken. Luckily for me, as I hadn't drastically moved Raes or enlarged any portion of her body, it was just a matter of small tweaks to the face and hands. The below image is what Raes will look like with the normal map applied to it.


The layout of vertices over the mesh

Unfortunately due to the fact that I had previously not painted Raes when I was creating concepts for her,I had to map out the colours of what she will look like in Photoshop. In order to do this I took a screenshot of Raes in Mudbox using the non-photorealistic filter, placed her in Photoshop, and began slowly testing different colour schemes until I found one that worked.

I then began to quickly map out the colours I had chosen on Raes in Photoshop onto my mesh in Mudbox, and found out quickly that there was almost too much red and black. In order to break up the colours I decided to add a brown to the shorts and thigh guards, using a darker colour for the guards in order for the shorts to stand out.

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