Wednesday, 23 November 2011

New Head

As I made a new body, I decided that I should also make a new head to go with it :). Once again I decided to do something different. I sometimes see myself as quite stubborn, and I wanted to stay away as much as possible from video tutorials however this time I decided to against it and create a head using one. Instead of creating the head in the video, I mimicked their creation of a man for a woman's head and below are the results!

(By the way the video was Gnomon Workshops' Head Modelling Tutorial).

Front view 

Wireframe of front

Side view 

Side view wireframe

3/4 view

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

New body

After much deliberation and being disappointed with the body I previously made, I decided to create a completely new body. Call me fussy, but I just want to ensure that I have completely pushed myself to create the best possible model I can. This way however, I tried something a little different. Inspired by my supervisor I first moulded the body in the Mudbox then created my own topology in Maya following the animation edge loop ideas from

CG Mascot Animation Edge Loops

Taking the basic human model I changed it into a female body, adding hips, adjusted legs and adding buttocks.

Adjusted human body placed in Maya

As you can see above I have made the original model live, this ensured that I can use the create polygon tool and create a new mesh over the adjusted one. I went as far as colour coding the edge loops in a similar fashion to CG Mascot to ensure I did not lose track and I did the retopology. Instead of me using the hands that previously existed with the model I used the hands from my previous body, this ensured that I was not dependent on the base model. 

Created body with new hands

Wireframe of body front

Wireframe of behind showing replication of CG Mascot edge loops

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Creating the body 2

Just a quick update to show the completed body. I have added enough edge loops into the arms and legs in order to create the boots and thigh guards. 

Front view of model

Back View of my character

Smoothed view of the character

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Creating the body part 1

Creating the head can always be quite tedious, so in order to give my mind a breather I decided to move onto the body instead. I didn't really have a set plan as to how I was going to construct the body, only that I knew I had to first get it to look like the body in the reference images, then adjust it to fit my own drawings.

The first thing I did was to place the references images within Maya and align them correctly using flat planes. I also adjusted them slightly in Photoshop just to be sure they were aligned.

Side view of alignment in Maya

Front view of alignment

After the alignment was completed the next step was to start creation on the body. I first deleted half the mesh and created a proxy of the right side, so that I can view what the mesh looked like smoothed.(See below)

As you can see I have not been focusing too much getting the correct edge loops, I have been more worrying about achieving the correct form and mass of a human.

Creating the legs and adding the breasts to the model

Adding sufficient edge loops to the elbows and knees in order to ensure that they can be animated

Friday, 11 November 2011

Multiple Heads!

I found very quickly that creating a head is a very difficult task, especially if you lack an in depth knowledge of the anatomy, subtle signs between male and female heads etc. As a result I struggled here, trying to create the head as close to the reference as possible. Although the head got better with time( and alot of tears) I still am not quite satisfied with how it has turned out.

I actually went to the extent of drawing multiple heads to gain a better idea of not only of how a females head should look but also for the shape of the head and eyes.

I enjoyed it so much that I even coloured in her head adding the cloth and mask from the concept. As the title suggests there was multiple heads I created. So here we go:

Too masculine

Wireframe showing edge loops

Final State

After creating these variations, I have decided I am going to move onto the body, at the very least block it out, then return and finish the head, to get it exactly as I want it. Making it more feminine.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Creation of the head

Before i started creating the head for Raes I conducted some research into placing the correct edge loops for the head. THis should allow for better animation and texturing. An example of good edge flow:

As you can see from the above image not only is the head all in quads, but the eyes, nose and mouth are cordoned off according to the loops. The main areas to watch for are the edges of the mouth and eyes. They can cause numerous problems later on if there is not enough geometry around those areas.

Using yet another reference, I started creation on the head.

Front View Reference of model

Side View Reference

I also decided to use additional references for the head. Mainly because I wanted her eyes to be more enticing.

Additional reference 1

Additional Reference 2