Tuesday, 22 November 2011

New body

After much deliberation and being disappointed with the body I previously made, I decided to create a completely new body. Call me fussy, but I just want to ensure that I have completely pushed myself to create the best possible model I can. This way however, I tried something a little different. Inspired by my supervisor I first moulded the body in the Mudbox then created my own topology in Maya following the animation edge loop ideas from CGMascot.com.

CG Mascot Animation Edge Loops

Taking the basic human model I changed it into a female body, adding hips, adjusted legs and adding buttocks.

Adjusted human body placed in Maya

As you can see above I have made the original model live, this ensured that I can use the create polygon tool and create a new mesh over the adjusted one. I went as far as colour coding the edge loops in a similar fashion to CG Mascot to ensure I did not lose track and I did the retopology. Instead of me using the hands that previously existed with the model I used the hands from my previous body, this ensured that I was not dependent on the base model. 

Created body with new hands

Wireframe of body front

Wireframe of behind showing replication of CG Mascot edge loops

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